Joseph Jackson is a freelance tuba artist and teacher. He performs with manyorchestras and ensembles and is a recording artist. He received his BM in performancefrom the University of Southern California and his masters degree in performance fromAzusa Pacific University. Joseph has studied with Doug Tornquist, Tommy Johnson, JimSelf, John Van Houten and Roger Bobo. Joseph is principle tuba with the DesertSymphony and Rio Hondo Symphony and he has performed with The CarsonSymphony, Redlands Symphony, Pasadena Symphony, New West Symphony and LongBeach Ballet.In addition to performing, Joseph is a teaching artist with Youth Orchestra LA (YOLA forshort), where he works with young people from elementary to high school level. He isthe Professor of Tuba at Citrus College and the Masters University and has his ownprivate home studio.Joseph has performed a lot of chamber music and created chamber ensembles. One ofhis desires is to advance the instrument through performance and commission of music.He has worked with composers to create new pieces of music both in the Solo andChamber setting and has composed a duet for tuba with more compositions planned forthe future.Joseph started a weekly music series, “Sweet Sounds Sunday.” With Covid,performance opportunities vanished and it was a perfect time to start recording at home.In this series, every Sunday a video is produced of a piece of music, exploring classicjazz, gospel music, songs, duets, quartets, and arrangements. The series is free andavailable on Youtube, check out “Joseph Jackson Sweet Sounds Tuba Music,” onYoutube. While Joseph was, “Classically trained,” he has had a desire to play tunes,melodies and songs on the tuba and this weekly series has offered that space.Besides being a musician, Joseph is a railroader. He started with collecting andoperating model trains but then went on to engineer the steam trains at Knott’s BerryFarm for 3 years and then spent 14 years operating the steam locomotives on theDisneyland Railroad. Joseph is an avid model railroad builder and does custom work forhis friends and customers.Another large part of Joseph’s life is dedicated to his faith in God. He is a member ofCrenshaw Church of Christ and serves as a deacon there. He has worked in youthministry and continues to teach youth Bible Study. He also ministers once a month at
Long Beach Post Acute Care providing worship service for the residents there andoccasionally performs concerts there.Joseph is a family man, he has been married for 13 years to Sheveeta and he is afather to two sons, Jacob and Jeremiah. He resides in North Long Beach and is a nativeof Southern California.
What They Play
The EBC836 is a 6/4 size tuba inspired by the legendary York orchestral CC tuba. This large tuba is at home on stage with a symphony orchestra or concert band, in the pit of an opera or ballet orchestra, and is nimble enough to play in small chamber ensembles. The next generation 6/4 tuba has arrived!
- Key of CC, 6/4
- .750" bore
- 20" upright bell
- 4 front-action pistons + 5th rotary valve
- Silver-plated
- Deluxe case